Stent Surgery For Kidney Stones Recovery Time. Doctors place stents at the time of surgeries by simply sliding them on a soft guide wire placed at the above portion of the ureter that acts as a tube to drain the kidney. This is a rare option for kidney stone treatment only for very large stones or if the other types of treatment cannot remove or crush the stone.
These occur because of the ureteral stent and will resolve after the stent read more. Photo of a ureteral stent next to a pen. The stent dilates your ureter to help urine pass from your kidney to your bladder.
An adult stent is typically 22 to 30 centimeters in length extending from your kidney to your bladder with a coil on each end to hold the stent in place.
Ureteral stents are soft hollow plastic tubes placed temporarily into the ureter to allow drainage around a stone or to speed healing after a stone surgery. There is no skin incision but your urinary tract is very sensitive. Doctors place stents at the time of surgeries by simply sliding them on a soft guide wire placed at the above portion of the ureter that acts as a tube to drain the kidney. However the exact duration may depend on various other factors.