Natural Cure For Kidney Stones In Cats. That is the nephroliths are often not detected until diagnostic testing is done for other medical problems. If left untreated the stones may irritate the urinary tract causing bleeding and can also block the flow of urine leading to irreversible kidney damage and.
Causes of kidney stones in cats and kidney disease right at the top of the list is the diet. There is no cure for feline kidney disease but there are many home treatments that can reduce symptoms and increase the life of your cat. Diet change there is some controversy surrounding diets for cats suffering from kidney disease.
Well kidney stones in cats are totally the result of the modern way of life today.
And the type of stone affects what treatments might help. If left untreated the stones may irritate the urinary tract causing bleeding and can also block the flow of urine leading to irreversible kidney damage and. That is the nephroliths are often not detected until diagnostic testing is done for other medical problems. There is no cure for feline kidney disease but there are many home treatments that can reduce symptoms and increase the life of your cat.