Kidney Stone Pain After Passing. Phyllanthus niruri works by relaxing the ureters which makes it easier to pass kidney stones. To me this pain seems to be the worst muscle pull or if you pull your back hard.
To me this pain seems to be the worst muscle pull or if you pull your back hard. It could also be an unrelated issue. Congenital obstructions of the ureter known as ureteropelvic junction obstructions can cause pain similar to a stone episode and will demonstrate swelling in the kidney on a ct scan.
It could also be an unrelated issue.
However wait 1 4 times per hour until the kidney stone removed. If your pain is gone it s possible that you ve passed the stone. Phyllanthus niruri works by relaxing the ureters which makes it easier to pass kidney stones. In this case the doctor can break up the stone in a couple of ways so your body can eventually get rid of.