Kidney Stones Size Test. Kidney stones are generally diagnosed by a doctor based upon your symptoms a physical examination and imaging tests. In addition the other organs within this area of the body can be evaluated.
Kidney stone testing uses one or more test methods to examine and determine the composition of the stone. This test shows the stone size and location and conditions that may have caused the stone to form. An ultrasound of the urinary tract uses sound waves to detect kidney stones and indirect signs of kidney stones such as changes in the kidney s size and shape.
An ultrasound of the urinary tract uses sound waves to detect kidney stones and indirect signs of kidney stones such as changes in the kidney s size and shape.
Smaller the size of a stone the faster it can pass through the urinary tract. Time needed for passing kidney stones. An ultrasound of the urinary tract uses sound waves to detect kidney stones and indirect signs of kidney stones such as changes in the kidney s size and shape. In addition the other organs within this area of the body can be evaluated.