Private Health Insurance Dependent Child Age. Your child has to be under the age of 26. Beginning september 23 2010 the patient protection and affordable care act mandates that most insurers offer coverage to dependent adult children with.
As the federal government has stepped in to regulate health insurance legislation has made life a little easier for parents and their children even adult children. The affordable care act aca allows young adults to stay on their parents health insurance until the child turns 26. However you cannot include a dependent on your health plan if he she is on medicare.
Below is a guide to the different stages in your twenties and early thirties when you may need to think about private health insurance.
The affordable care act aca allows young adults to stay on their parents health insurance until the child turns 26. For a child to qualify as your dependent he or she needs to be your biological child your. Below is a guide to the different stages in your twenties and early thirties when you may need to think about private health insurance. The affordable care act aca allows young adults to stay on their parents health insurance until the child turns 26.