Nursing Diagnosis For Acute Kidney Stones. The kidney normally functions in filtering plasma and excreting wastes from this fluid. These stones may pass through the urinary tract and be expelled in the urine or may be large enough to require surgical intervention.
There are four main types of kidney stones calcium stones uric acid stones struvite stones and cystine stones. Etiology stones form when urine is concentrated. An excruciating pain is the main basis for the diagnosis of renal calculi.
Impaired urinary elimination related to irritation of the kidney ureter mechanical obstruction inflammation bladder stimulation by a stone.
When there is abrupt loss of kidney functioning it is called acute renal failure. If it is not treated it can have complications and lead to chronic renal failure. Etiology stones form when urine is concentrated. Bun levels are abnormally high because of the decreased glomerular filtration rate.