Laser Machine For Kidney Stones. Holmium lasers and associated fibers effectively fragment stones of any composition or size throughout the urinary tract. The patient may experience bleeding for a few days after the procedure.
Or they may pass out of the body in the urine. Kidney ureter and bladder the holmium laser has significantly improved the management of stones providing a less invasive and more effective treatment. Holmium lasers and associated fibers effectively fragment stones of any composition or size throughout the urinary tract.
During this procedure a surgeon will use a machine called a lithotripter to aim sound waves directly at the stones through the body.
With the latest laser equipment a skilled surgeon can remove all the kidney stones in over 90 of cases in just one session and render the patient stone free. With the latest laser equipment a skilled surgeon can remove all the kidney stones in over 90 of cases in just one session and render the patient stone free. The patient may experience bleeding for a few days after the procedure. Comparison of eswl and ureteroscopic holmium laser lithotripsy in management of ureteral stones accessed 8 20 2020.