Kidney Stones Types Causes. Have an underlying medical condition such as a urinary tract infection diseases of the digestive tract inflammatory bowel disease hyperparathyroidism sarcoidosis and some cancers. But stones cause indications like torment trouble urinating cloudy or smelly urine sickness and vomiting.
So a few stones will pass on their own. High levels of calcium oxalate cystine acid or uric acid. Causes of kidney stones possible causes include drinking too little water exercise too much or too little obesity weight loss surgery or eating food with too much salt or sugar.
1 there are three more common types of kidney stones that may be linked to your diet.
Infections and family history might be important in some people. Causes of kidney stones kidney stones happen when your pee has a high concentration of minerals and other substances like calcium oxalate and uric acid that come together to make crystals. Calcium stones these types of kidney stones are the most common ones. Causes of kidney stones possible causes include drinking too little water exercise too much or too little obesity weight loss surgery or eating food with too much salt or sugar.