Kidney Stones Related Nursing Diagnosis. Acute pain related to inflammation obstruction and abra sion of the urinary tract. Although renal calculi can form anywhere in the urinary tract they are most commonly found in the renal pelvis and calyces.
Investigations for kidney stones differential diagnosis and diagnosis possible complications and prognosis will be discussed. Drink water throughout the day. Based on the assessment data the nursing diagnoses in the patient with renal stones may include the following.
For people with a history of kidney stones doctors usually recommend drinking enough fluids to pass about 2 1 quarts 2 liters of urine a day.
Kidney stones calculi are formed of mineral deposits most commonly calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate. An excruciating pain is the main basis for the diagnosis of renal calculi. Infection and urosepsis from urinary tract infection and pyelonephritis. Symptoms may include less urine output weight gain edema restlessness mental state alterations changes in electrolyte levels decrease in hemoglobin urine specific gravity changes and pulmonary congestion.