Kidney Stones Medication Treatment. Drugs used to dissolve the kidney stones chemolytic treatment chemolytic treatment is the administration of specific solutions into the urinary tract to dissolve the stones. Larger kidney stones or kidney stones that block your urinary tract or cause great pain may need urgent treatment.
Treatment for kidney stones varies depending on the type of stone and the cause. Kidney stones usually pass on their own without causing any long term problems if they don t or if you re in a lot of pain your doctor can break up or remove the crystals. Most small kidney stones won t require invasive treatment.
But even small kidney stones can be painful although the pain usually only lasts a couple of days and disappears when these stones have cleared.
Small stones with minimal symptoms. But even small kidney stones can be painful although the pain usually only lasts a couple of days and disappears when these stones have cleared. Treatment from a gp. You may be able to pass a small stone by.