Kidney Stones Medical Procedures. Although this is the most invasive treatment for kidney stones it is by far the most effective for large stones. Common symptoms include severe pain in lower back blood in your urine nausea vomiting fever and chills or urine that smells bad or looks cloudy.
Swl is the most common kidney stone treatment. This is the only noninvasive option of the four shockwave lithotripsy isn t surgery. Treatment includes pain control medications and in some cases medications to facilitate the passage of urine.
Urine has various wastes dissolved in it.
Common symptoms include severe pain in lower back blood in your urine nausea vomiting fever and chills or urine that smells bad or looks cloudy. The ideal stone for pnl is larger than 1 5 cm. It works best for small or medium stones. If you ve had a kidney stone or you re at risk for a kidney stone speak with your doctor.