Kidney Stones Emotional Causes. However if they move. Shortage of liquid intake also interferes in the crystallisation process.
They result from the precipitation and crystallization of substances in the urine such as uric acid calcium phosphates and oxalates. The kidneys are the organs responsible for removing nitrogenous waste from the blood urea uric acid etc and also participate actively in the evacuation of foreign substances introduced into the body drugs toxic substances absorbed with food etc. In colic we resent guilt rage or unconsciousness on the same subject.
In colic we resent guilt rage or unconsciousness on the same subject.
Causes of kidney stones kidney stones happen when your pee has a high concentration of minerals and other substances like calcium oxalate and uric acid that come together to make crystals. The kidneys are the organs responsible for removing nitrogenous waste from the blood urea uric acid etc and also participate actively in the evacuation of foreign substances introduced into the body drugs toxic substances absorbed with food etc. However if they move. Certain foods may increase the chances of having a kidney stone in people who are more likely to develop them.