Kidney Stones After Ureteroscopy. It is a procedure in which a small scope like a flexible telescope is inserted into the bladder and ureter and it is used to diagnose and treat a variety of problems in the urinary tract. As a prolonged indwelling ureteral stent can result in encrustation by stone debris infection obstruction and loss of kidney.
It is a procedure in which a small scope like a flexible telescope is inserted into the bladder and ureter and it is used to diagnose and treat a variety of problems in the urinary tract. Its success rate at clearing these types of stones is generally higher than that for shockwave lithotripsy. Usually a kidney ultrasound 4 6 weeks after ureteroscopy helps to verify that all stones are broken and no residual stones remain.
To make an appointment for consultation please call 410 955 6100.
During the procedure the surgeon removes or. To make an appointment for consultation please call 410 955 6100. Diseases and conditions. Ureteroscopy requires general anesthetic.