Kidney Stone Treatment Using Laser. Kidney stone treatment what to expect. A ureteroscopy that uses a laser to break up small kidney stones may take about 90 minutes.
You may be able to pass a small stone by. Possible complications may include bleeding infection and injury to surrounding organs. The advantages of laser surgery over traditional lithotripsy are that there is a higher first time rate of success with laser surgery than with traditional lithotripsy methods and the laser is more.
Agonising kidney stones could be a thing of the past as a high tech laser can blast a 5cm lump into dust during a single treatment existing treatments can take two or.
Laser treatment for kidney stones is a minimally invasive procedure which is conducted under general anesthesia quick to perform and efficient the procedure generally lasts no longer than 1 hour and boasts a success rate of up to 95. Aftercare once the kidney stone has been removed the health care provider may place a temporary stent in the ureter so that urine can pass from the kidney and into the bladder easily. The yag holmium also is capable of producing smaller stone fragments than previous laser treatments. A power source such as ultrasound or laser breaks the stones into fragments which are flushed out of the kidney through an external tube or internal stent.