Kidney Stone Procedure Recovery Time. More the size increases of the stone more time it takes stones ranging between 2 to 4 mm takes nearly 12 days and for stones of 4 to 6 mm it might take even 22 days to pass out. The normal recovery time for open kidney stone surgery is about six weeks.
More the size increases of the stone more time it takes stones ranging between 2 to 4 mm takes nearly 12 days and for stones of 4 to 6 mm it might take even 22 days to pass out. Open surgery is rarely done for kidney stones anymore. Some kidney stone patients must contend with a stent in the ureter during recovery.
Some kidney stone patients must contend with a stent in the ureter during recovery.
The stent is a tube in which the urine flows while the ureter heals. You must make sure to drink lots of water to flush out the small pieces of stone through your urine after a kidney stone removal procedure and while you have a. Open surgery is rarely done for kidney stones anymore. More the size increases of the stone more time it takes stones ranging between 2 to 4 mm takes nearly 12 days and for stones of 4 to 6 mm it might take even 22 days to pass out.