Kidney Stone Problems In Dogs. Kidney stones in dogs happen when crystals or stones form in the kidneys usually due to an abnormal concentration of mineral salts in the urine. This is due to the discomfort and systemic problems kidney stones cause.
However if you do notice any of the below take your dog to the vet for a check up and a. Signs of kidney problems in dogs. In dogs there are several causes of kidney and bladder stones which happen due to different minerals in food which lead to these stones.
Dietary regulations it is very important to feed your dog a proper diet that can reduce the risks of developing any stones in the kidney urinary tract or bladder.
The ideal diet for a dog with struvite kidney stones is one with lower magnesium and phosphorus the foundation of struvite as well as a lower level of protein and a bit more salt. Some common behavioral changes connected to kidney stones include. If you do not want your dog to suffer anymore due to kidney stone problems consult a veterinary professional and ask about these following treatments. Although not all dogs react the same way after the ingestion of grapes and raisins your dog already suffers from kidney failure and exposing them to further damage can be fatal.