Kidney Stone Pelvic Ultrasound. The kidney has a fibrous capsule which is surrounded by perirenal fat. Kidney stones may be located within the renal parenchyma at the ureteropelvic junction between the ureter and the renal pelvis within the ureter or at the ureterovesical junction between the ureter and the bladder.
A transvaginal ultrasound studies the female pelvic organs including the uterus and ovaries. When the stone blocks the flow of urine it can cause the kidney to swell hydronephrosis this is often very painful. When a stone leaves the kidney it can travel to the bladder and may get stuck in the ureter.
The hallmark of a stone that obstructs the ureter or renal pelvis is excruciating intermittent pain that radiates from the flank to the groin or to the inner thigh.
Certain bladder conditions and urinary tract infections can increase your chance of developing stones. Ultrasound findings for kidney stones. A urine test can check for kidney. A kidney bladder retro peritoneal ultrasound will evaluate the kidneys and urinary system if you are having hematuria.