Kidney Stone Pain Suddenly Stops. Where the pain is located. A kidney stone usually will not cause symptoms until it moves around within your kidney or passes into your ureters the tubes connecting the kidneys and the bladder.
Kidney stone pain often starts suddenly. Kidney stones form when there is a decrease in urine volume and or an excess of stone forming substances in the urine. When the stone reaches the bladder the pain stops.
They may also increase a person s risk of developing urinary tract problems and kidney disease.
Kidney stones that do not pass out of the body can cause extreme pain if left untreated. Nephrolithiasis is the medical term for kidney stones. I had pain in my side and groin area for 3 days up until 2 days ago when the pain just stopped. A kidney stone usually will not cause symptoms until it moves around within your kidney or passes into your ureters the tubes connecting the kidneys and the bladder.