Kidney Stone Pain Location On Back. Back pain can affect the. It may also be a dull ache depending on the diagnosis.
Where the pain is located kidney pain is felt in your flank which is the area on either side of your spine between the bottom of your ribcage and your hips. This causes a blockage which makes pressure build up in the kidney. At times kidney pain may be felt in the upper abdominal area.
Kidney pain can occur on one or both sides of the back just below the rib cage.
At times kidney pain may be felt in the upper abdominal area. Remains as a dull ache and is usually confused with back pain. There is usually a feeling of a stabbing pain in the upper back just below the ribs. There are several types of pains attributed to the kidney most of which are in the back area of your body and often in the upper region near the rib cage areas just above the hips.