Kidney Stone Pain Location Back. Pain often comes and goes in waves which is made worse by the ureters contracting as they try. Kidney pain located in the right and left upper quadrants image source.
Kidney pain is most often caused by a kidney infection or a stone in the tubes coming out of your kidney. There are a few good ways to know the difference between kidney pain and muscular back pain. If the pain is coming from your kidney it will have these features.
However the kidneys despite popular belief are not located in the lower parts of the abdomen.
The kidneys lies just below the diaphragm on either side towards the back of the abdomen in an area known as the retroperitoneal cavity. It is neither permanently in the stomach region nor at the back as the pain is forever shifting 3. Where the pain is located. Kidney pain is a term often used to describe a lower back pain that is more lateral towards the side or around the flanks.