Kidney Stone Pain Location And Symptoms. Pressure or pain in the lower back in some cases a stone may become stuck in the ureter. Kidney stones form within the kidney or urinary tract.
When symptoms do occur they usually come on suddenly and include excruciating cramping pain in the low back and or abdomen side or groin. There is usually a feeling of a stabbing pain in the upper back just below the ribs. Pressure or pain in the lower back in some cases a stone may become stuck in the ureter.
Where the pain is located.
You should recognize the signs and symptoms that suggest kidney pain most especially kidney stone pain. Kidney stones that do not produce symptoms are called silent stones. If you experience what you think may be having kidney pains go to your healthcare practitioner right away to have it properly diagnosed. Below are some early signs and symptoms that may indicate a kidney stone is moving through the urinary tract.