Kidney Stone Pain Every Other Day. Though kidney stones can cause pain and pressure in all parts of the midsection they can cause serious penis pain as well especially during the time the stone is actively passing out of the body. Applying it every day can also help a man remember to examine his manhood quite carefully.
Certain supplements and medications such as vitamin c dietary supplements laxatives when used excessively calcium based antacids and certain medications used to treat. If the pain is coming from your kidney it will have these features. Though kidney stones can cause pain and pressure in all parts of the midsection they can cause serious penis pain as well especially during the time the stone is actively passing out of the body.
Mild to moderate symptoms may occur during the passage of a small stone.
Clayman md a professor in the department of urology at the university of california. A lot of kidney stones will eventually leave your body by passing from the kidneys to the ureters to the bladder and out through your urine. But the pain of kidney stones is a whole other beast. Passing a kidney stone can take a few days to a number of weeks.