Kidney Stone Pain Control. Signs and symptoms of kidney stones can include severe pain nausea vomiting fever chills and blood in your urine. If you are dealing with pain caused by kidney stones there are several things that you can try to help ease kidney stone pain.
Make sure that you see a doctor for help treating your kidney stones because kidney stones may become worse without proper medical treatment. Most kidney stones will pass through the ureter to the bladder on their own with time. If the stone is too large the pain too severe infection is present or there is significant bleeding the kidney stone will have to be removed surgically or broken into fragments that can move through the urinary tract.
Every year over half a million people in the united states experience this pain and about 1 in 10 people will have a kidney stone at some point.
Kidney stones are becoming more prevalent in children because of increasing rates of diabetes mellitus obesity and hypertension in this population 2 4 9 increasing age is a risk factor for. Treatment from a gp. Make sure that you see a doctor for help treating your kidney stones because kidney stones may become worse without proper medical treatment. Diagnosis of kidney stones is best accomplished using an ultrasound intravenous pyleography ivp or a ct scan.