Kidney Stone Pain After Surgery. A procedure called percutaneous nephrolithotomy nef row lih thot uh me involves surgically removing a kidney stone using small telescopes and instruments inserted through a small incision in your back. Your recent endoscopic surgery requires special post hospital care.
Renal colic or abdominal pain after kidney stone removal and stent can be managed with adequate fluid intake analgesics along with anti inflammatory and antibiotics to prevent urinary tract infection. If the pain becomes unbearable or if the signs and symptoms become severe the prompt treatment is to remove the stent in situ. Your doctor may recommend a non steroidal anti inflammatory drug nsaid like ibuprofen or diclofenac.
A procedure called percutaneous nephrolithotomy nef row lih thot uh me involves surgically removing a kidney stone using small telescopes and instruments inserted through a small incision in your back.
You may have pain in your side during urination or urinary frequency. Your doctor may recommend a non steroidal anti inflammatory drug nsaid like ibuprofen or diclofenac. If the pain becomes unbearable or if the signs and symptoms become severe the prompt treatment is to remove the stent in situ. If the stones won t pass by themselves urologists often try bursting the stones with sound waves through a.