Kidney Stone Operation In Dogs. The lower protein reduces the amount of ammonia in a dog s urine while the added salt encourages your dog to drink water. An adjustment to the dog s diet is also necessary.
These dietary changes will be dependent on the chemical makeup of the kidney stone. Female dogs outnumber males when it comes to stones 2 and there are certain dogs and certain dog breeds that seem to be stone formers. Living and management.
Your veterinarian may suggest surgery if your dog s kidney stones are severe.
The ideal diet for a dog with struvite kidney stones is one with lower magnesium and phosphorus the foundation of struvite as well as a lower level of protein and a bit more salt. Living and management. Female dogs outnumber males when it comes to stones 2 and there are certain dogs and certain dog breeds that seem to be stone formers. These dietary changes will be dependent on the chemical makeup of the kidney stone.