Kidney Stone Location Pain. It typically starts in the flank region between the ribs and the hip at the side of the lower back. Kidney stone pain often starts suddenly.
Unlike kidney stone pain which comes on in sharp painful waves back pain is more constant and connected with movement. It could be your kidney and not your back if you feel it higher. In order for you not to be confused kidney pain is usually located isolated at the lower back.
It could be your kidney and not your back if you feel it higher.
The pains will be elaborated in the groin or genital regions moving to the abdomen and round at the back area. Kidney pain is most often caused by a kidney infection or a stone in the tubes coming out of your kidney. In general flank or kidney pain is usually higher in the back just under the ribs and the pain sensation is deeper. Pain caused by a kidney stone may change for instance shifting to a different location or increasing in intensity as the stone moves through your urinary tract.