Kidney Stone Laser Treatment In Thane. A treatment option that uses a small laser fiber to be snaked up the ureter to the stone the stone is ablated broken into small pieces and then the small remnants are suctioned away. Laser treatment for kidney stones is a minimally invasive procedure which is conducted under general anesthesia.
Quick to perform and efficient the procedure generally lasts no longer than 1 hour and boasts a success rate of up to 95. This publication includes treating large kidney stones of size 1 6 to 3 5 cm by flexible ureteroscopy and laser treatment through the natural orifice. You may feel the urge to go even if you don t need to.
For several hours after the procedure you may have a burning feeling when you urinate.
Doctors for kidney stone treatment in thane find doctors near you. Laser lithotripsy is a way to treat kidney stones. A treatment option that uses a small laser fiber to be snaked up the ureter to the stone the stone is ablated broken into small pieces and then the small remnants are suctioned away. Quick to perform and efficient the procedure generally lasts no longer than 1 hour and boasts a success rate of up to 95.