Kidney Stone In Bladder Cause Pain. Pain is usually experienced around the lower abdominal area just below the belly button. Overview bladder stones are crystallized minerals that form when concentrated urine hardens in the bladder after urination.
Kidney stones can also cause nausea. Overview bladder stones are crystallized minerals that form when concentrated urine hardens in the bladder after urination. Not all kidney stone pain is the same.
Intense sudden stabbing pain may be a kidney stone.
Pain is usually experienced around the lower abdominal area just below the belly button. For example the location of pain can change as the stone moves from the kidney to the bladder says lieske. A kidney stone in the bladder can cause pain typically located in the lower part of the abdomen. Though kidney stones can cause pain and pressure in all parts of the midsection they can cause serious penis pain as well especially during the time the stone is actively passing out of the body.