Do Kidney Stones Cause Back Pain. Kidney stones are rumored to be as painful as childbirth. Kidney stones do not always cause any specific early signs or symptoms.
Kidney pain is usually a constant dull ache deep in your right or left flank or both flanks that often gets worse when someone gently hits the area. Only one kidney is usually affected in most. Back pain has the following features.
Back pain is more common than kidney pain and is usually caused by a problem in the muscles bones or nerves in your back.
Back pain is more common than kidney pain and is usually caused by a problem in the muscles bones or nerves in your back. With kidney stones the pain won t disappear when you move and some positions may even make it worse. Kidney pain is usually a constant dull ache deep in your right or left flank or both flanks that often gets worse when someone gently hits the area. Most causes of kidney pain including urinary tract infections and kidney stones will not stop hurting on their own without treatment.