Correlation Between High Blood Pressure And Kidney Stones. Kidney failure due to high blood pressure is a cumulative process that can take years to develop. Researchers also have noticed a correlation between kidney stones and chronic conditions such as diabetes high blood pressure and heart and vascular disease.
If your kidneys blood vessels are damaged they may no longer work properly. Protect your kidneys by managing your blood pressure. High blood pressure can constrict and narrow the blood vessels which eventually damages and weakens them throughout the body including in the kidneys.
The combination of epidemiological data showing a graded relationship between bp and outcomes particularly above a bp of 120 80 mm hg and the results of the sprint trial showing benefit of more comprehensive treatment to a target bp of 120 80 mm.
High blood pressure is the excessive force of blood placed against blood vessel walls. High blood pressure is the excessive force of blood placed against blood vessel walls. While the kidneys do have a roll in regulating blood pressure it is unlikely that the presence of non obstructing stones in the kidney would increase. Stone formers are at increased risk for both high blood pressure and overt kidney disease.