24 Hour Urine Test For Kidney Stones Labcorp. Through sophisticated algorithms created by the leading specialists in the disease litholink provides on the test report itself patient specific treatment recommendations and other clinical and patient support. The test results can help distinguish between a probable stone and other conditions that may have similar symptoms but require different treatment.
This assay is also useful as part of a kidney stone risk profile. The test results can help distinguish between a probable stone and other conditions that may have similar symptoms but require different treatment. Litholink is labcorp s premier provider of 24 hour urine testing for kidney stone prevention.
Labcorp test details for kidney stone urine test combination with saturation calculations.
Through sophisticated algorithms created by the leading specialists in the disease litholink provides on the test report itself patient specific treatment recommendations and other clinical and patient support. The test results can help distinguish between a probable stone and other conditions that may have similar symptoms but require different treatment. Individual 24 hour urine tests that may not be part of the kidney stone risk panel such as cystine sodium potassium chloride or magnesium a urinalysis to evaluate urine constituents substances protein red and white blood cells ph and presence of crystals or bacteria. This assay is also useful as part of a kidney stone risk profile.